
Why Regular Fire Hydrant Inspections Are Important For Your Building

Fire Hydrant Inspections

Fire hydrants are an essential piece of fire fighting equipment and they need to be maintained to remain in excellent working condition. What you don’t want to ever experience is a building fire breaking out, only to discover there is a problem with the fire hydrant and that it doesn’t work. You can learn about the safety measures to take before moving into your new house, on this website:

When it comes to a fire hydrant, Qld each and every state and territory in Australia has regulations pertaining to its implementation and maintenance. This is to make sure that the necessary number of fire hydrants are available should they ever need to be deployed and that they work when required.

Let’s take a closer look at why regular fire hydrant inspections and maintenance are important for the safety of your building.

A Working Fire Hydrant Could Prove To Be the Difference Between Life and Death

Whenever we talk about fire safety, suppression, and prevention, human life is always the number one priority. Property and possessions come a distant second.

While a building should be equipped with fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and other fire suppression devices, it can often depend on the deployment of fire hoses to bring a blaze under control and to provide safe passage for people to escape an inferno. Whether the hydrant is located out on the street, within the grounds of the building, or even inside, fire hoses and fire hydrants can spell the difference between life and death in some instances.

Whether it’s a business premises or a residential building, it’s imperative that any fire hydrants in and around the building are in optimum working condition to ensure the safety of everyone in the building.

Fire hoses within the building are there for both occupants and the fire department to use as necessary. Fire hydrants located out on the street are for firefighters to attach their hoses to once they arrive on the scene.

Well-Maintained Fire Hydrants Will Help To Reduce Building Damage

While human safety is always the primary concern, having working fire hydrants also serves a secondary purpose and that’s to bring the blaze under control as quickly as possible to minimise property damage. Also, the faster a fire can be extinguished, the less chance it has to spread to neighboring buildings.

If a fire is caught early enough and is brought under control with the use of a fire hose, not only will this ensure the safety of everyone, but it will also keep damage to the building and property to an absolute minimum.

Imagine for a moment that a small fire breaks out that could readily be extinguished with the quick deployment of an internal fire hose. Someone goes to grab the hose, only to discover it’s not working, or working inefficiently. This is going to cost valuable time as the search for an alternate hose or a fire extinguisher takes place. By that time, the fire could have spread quickly and now be burning out of control.

Fire Hydrant Inspections Help You To Remain Compliant With the Rules and Regulations

One reason you’ll want a fire protection services company to regularly inspect and maintain your building’s fire hydrants is to remain on the right side of the law. After all, you don’t want to risk any sort of infringement notice where you end up having to pay a fine for non-compliance or having faulty fire hydrants.

While fire safety is obviously the number one priority, you also don’t want to get into any trouble for not being compliant at all times. It’s also about maintaining a good reputation for your building or your business as well.

Not only should you have your fire hydrants regularly inspected but all of your fire safety and suppression equipment. This includes things like making certain you have the correct number and types of fire extinguishers and that they are full and functioning correctly. Also, things like fire sprinkler systems need to be periodically inspected and maintained. You want to know they are going to function as they are designed to do in an emergency.

In Conclusion

For your fire hydrant, Qld regulations stipulate that they must be maintained to ensure full functionality. The same goes for other states in Australia and all of your fire safety equipment.

Learn more about the importance of safety and security measures you that should never ignore, on this website:

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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