
The Importance Of Preventing Sexual Harassment And Sexual Harassment Training

Sexual Harassment Training

Roughly 3/4 of those who participated in a recent workplace survey had been the target of sexual harassment in the workplace. Women made up the vast majority of those who reported being subjected to sexual harassment or assault, although sexual harassment may be committed by men as well as women or experienced by any gender. Today, it is common knowledge that women are the victims of sexual assault, while men are the perpetrators.

The Most Common Form Of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

Power disparities are often the root cause of harassment in the workplace. Based on gender, and it’s part of a continuum of disrespect and injustice that exists because of gender, women confront in the job as well as in life in general. The senior member of the team was responsible for the majority of the harassment incidents. However, just about a quarter of those who participated in the survey reported experiencing harassment at the hands of consumers.

Customers or people using a service are examples of third-party harassment. Approximately half of those who responded hadn’t told anybody working at the given establishment about their experience of harassment.

The following were some of the obstacles to reporting:

  • the conviction that the company will not treat the problem with sufficient importance
  • the notion that those who were reported to have harassed others, especially senior workers, would be safeguarded
  • the dread of becoming a victim
  • the absence of sufficient reporting protocols.

The results are consistent with the findings of previous studies that have been conducted in this field. For instance, 52% of women have encountered unwelcome conduct at their place of employment, such as being groped.

The percentage of young people who experienced sexual propositions or inappropriate comments grew to 63% with ladies aged 16–24. According to the same body of study, one out of every five young women said that they either didn’t know how to report sexual harassment, or did not report it because they were afraid of what this may do for them. This reiterates the importance of conducting sexual harassment trainings in the workplace.

The Workplace Culture Matters

It seems the workplace culture worked to indicate that they will either lose their employment or be granted reduced hours. In addition to this, their research suggested that about one in every fourteen young women indicated that they were treated less favorably in their employment or while working.

Since they had turned down sexual advances made toward them, they were searching for jobs.

The effects, both professionally and financially as well as emotionally, that it had on individuals who were being harassed may be severe.

Some of the people who participated in our poll mentioned obtaining warnings that they would have a more difficult time advancing their job if they continued to pursue their complaint, or those who stated they had been punished at work or fired because of their complaints were cited as examples.

Others said that they were penalized for being harassed or that they were held responsible for the harassment that was going on. After being relocated to a different department or function, and stating how their reputation had changed throughout this transition, they believed it was detrimental to health.

Recent studies have focused a significant amount of their attention on sexual harassment, yet it is abundantly obvious that harassment that is connected to sexuality, such as unwelcome remarks that are sexually explicit ( (, is also a concern.

Pregnancy And Motherhood Discrimination In The Workplace

For instance, the results of a study on prejudice based on pregnancy and motherhood revealed that one in every five moms reported having been subjected to harassment or hostile treatment. There were remarks made at work about pregnancy or the availability of flexible scheduling. Even if being pregnant or a mother is not considered a protected feature under the anti-harassment regulations, behavior of this kind would still be considered to constitute sexual harassment.

It is more difficult to determine the financial expenses associated with sexual harassment and other forms of harassment connected to sexuality. Employers must be aware, however, that employee disengagement and productivity are directly affected by harassment, and this in turn may weaken organizational performance and harm an employer’s public image.

It is essential to the continued growth of the economy that we take steps to eliminate the obstacles that prevent women from fully participating in the workforce. Harassment is a crucial element that contributes to the gender wage gap, which, together with other equality challenges in the workplace, has a substantial negative effect on the economy.

Achieving gender equality in the workplace has the potential to contribute an additional 150 billion to predictions of gross domestic product in 2025 under conditions of business as usual, which may translate into 840,000 more female employees.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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