Home Improvement

Plumbing Tips You Should Take Heed of To Save Natural Resources and Money


More than ever before, homeowners are realizing the importance of lowering their carbon footprint and conserving precious natural resources. While you can engage in major projects like rainwater harvesting or installing solar panels, there are plenty of small plumbing issues that you can attend to save significantly:

Attend to the Dripping Taps

More than the irritating sound of water dripping, just one dripping tap can waste as much as 15 gallons of water daily adding more than $100 to the annual water bill. You should close all the taps fully; however, if they continue to drip, you should repair or replace it. Apart from wasting water and money, the dripping water also tends to create unsightly stains that can be very hard to get rid of and may ultimately spoil your sink.

Go Low-Flow When Replacing Faucets and Showerheads

Installing low flow fixtures can help to save a lot of water without any loss of usability or compromising the user experience. According to https://www.huffpost.com, replacing a single toilet flush with a low flow version can potentially save up to 10,000 gallons of water every year. Installing a low-flow showerhead is very simple and pays for itself very quickly. Faucets with aerators are not only less noisy and prone to splashing but also evens out the flow of the water making washing more convenient while consuming significantly less water.

Watch Out for Leaks inside the House

While puddles on the basement floor should ring alarm bells, in many other cases the signs of water leaks are not that obvious. You could just see some condensation in an area, which, if ignored, can lead to mold and mildew formation. Attending these leaks requires a specialist, which is why they are best left to an experienced Plumber Auckland. A periodic plumbing inspection can help to get the repairs done in time preventing expensive repairs and need to replace carpeting or damaged drywalls.

Don’t Pour Cooking Fats and Oils down the Drain

Disposing of cooking fats and oils can be a pain because you can’t put them in a garbage bag. Most people tend to pour them into the sink; however, this is a recipe for a plumbing disaster because the fats tend to solidify inside the pipe as they cool down and ultimately block the pipe. Cleaning this can be very expensive. It is far better to put the waste fats into a heat-resistant receptacle, let it cool and put it with the garbage for disposal.

Don’t Ignore Drains

Drains seem to only come to our notice when they become clogged. To avoid drains becoming clogged due to the buildup of unwanted debris, all you need to do pour a cupful of baking soda on the drain and wash it down with white vinegar every month rather than using toxic chemical cleaners. Use strainers at the mouths of drains to prevent hair, debris, and soap particles from entering the drain.


The most effective way of keeping your home plumbing in good order is to be on the alert for potential problems. Fixing problems before they become major issues can help to prevent unnecessary expense while conserving precious natural resources.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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