
Which Foods Are Safe For Dogs?

Dogs Foods

Before you start feeding your dog your leftovers, you need to be sure that what you’re giving them is safe for consumption. Bear in mind that everything that we can eat is not always suitable for your dog. Here are some of the main foods that are safe for dogs so that you can be confident in giving your friendly companion some new snacks instead of their usual dog food all the time.

What foods can I give my dog?

If you’d like to inject a little more variety of food into your dog’s diet, here are some foods that you can safely feed them.


Pork is fine for dogs to eat, as long as it is properly cooked and doesn’t have any seasoning on it. Make sure that you’re not giving them huge amounts, or very fatty sections, as this can lead to inflammation in your dog. It’s best to avoid more salty meats such as processed ham or fatty bacon.


Salmon and tuna are two common fishes that are both suitable for dog’s to eat and can be great sources of protein in their diet. Make sure to fully cook the fish, as an undercooked piece of fish can contain a number of nasty parasites.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is a tasty snack for your dogs, but you need to be careful to select a natural and unsweetened product. Check that it does not contain xylitol, as this sweetener is highly toxic for dogs.


Blueberries are also safe for dogs, giving them a host of different benefits such as antioxidants and fibre.


Yogurt is fine for dogs as long as you are sure that they don’t have an intolerance to lactose. Always give them plain yogurt with no added sugars and artificial sweeteners, so that they can enjoy the high calcium and protein benefits without the nasty additives.


Fully cooked eggs are another great source of protein, and can also help your dog if they have a bit of an upset stomach. They are also a good source of selenium and riboflavin which are both very healthy for your dog.

What foods are unsafe for my dog?

Macadamia nuts

Although peanuts are fine, you should never give your dog macadamia nuts as they are highly poisonous for dogs. They can lead to lethargy and vomiting, and can even affect your dog’s nervous system.


You should avoid giving your dog cinnamon as it can irritate their mouths, and make them feel quite sick. It can also lower their blood pressure and result in diarrhea or vomiting.


Chocolate contains substances called methylxanthines, which can halt the metabolic process in your dog. Large amounts of chocolate can result in irregular heart function, seizures and even death. Don’t hesitate to take your dog to the vet if you think they’ve eaten chocolate.

Onion & Garlic

Onion and garlic contain substances named organosulfides, which are quite toxic for dogs. If a dog consumer garlic or onion it may lead to diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain.


Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons can create an upset stomach for your dog. If you have orange or lemon trees in the backyard, keep an eye on any fruits that fall to the ground and make sure that you pick them up before your dog gets to them. Large amounts of citric acid can result in nervous system depression.

Creating a healthy environment

Food is obviously hugely important for your dog’s health, so you need to make sure you’re giving them the proper nutrients with the food you provide. However, food is just one aspect of their health, and you should always consider other ways to improve their safety and comfort at home.

For example, investing in luxury dog beds could be another idea to think about, or consider buying some new toys that stimulate their mental capacity. As always, you should keep learning what your dog likes and what may be best for their breed and age as they develop.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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