Home Improvement

Homeowners: What to Ask Your Roofer


When your roof is in need of repair, you will need to speak to professional roofers. Although this process can feel daunting at first, it is essential. You may not know what makes a quality and reliable roofing contractor. In order to ensure that you are asking the right things in order to find the best fit for your job, we have provided you with a few questions to ask your roofing contractor.

Will Someone be Onsite That Can Answer My Questions?

It is to be expected that you will have several questions and concerns when it comes to the care of your roof before, during, and after the inspection. You will want a roofing contractor that takes the time to answer any of your questions and addresses any concerns that you may have. You would not someone to do work to your roof and you come outside to find that something is missing that you were expecting but are not able to get a hold of anyone to talk to. A quality roofing contractor will speak to you about the ins and outs of the project. Even if they personally are not available to answer questions while they are working, they may check in with you afterwards or refer you to their project manager to help you.

Will You Provide an Estimate?

Estimates are essential for any project that is being completed on your home. Estimates are when a contractor or professional provides you with the amount that they suspect the cost will be around for repairs after their initial inspection. However, it is important to remember that this number is not set in stone. Your contractor may find issues along the way that could impact the overall cost. This is typically due to the increase in building materials needed, as well as the time spent working on the roof. Being provided with an estimate can help you, the homeowner, plan for the cost of your roof repair or replacement. Companies and contractors that provide a customer with an estimate shows a sign of professionalism and that they value the customer.

Will You Remove My Old Roof?

In some instances, portions of a roof or even the whole roof will need to be removed. This is often the case when there is extensive wear and damage. Often, this will need to be a case if homeowners have purchased an older home that has not been updated for quite some time. However, this could also need to be done as the result of a heavy storm. Foregoing a replacement roof could lead to costly future damages that happen to your roof and home. So, it is important to ask your roofer if your roof needs a complete replacement or how much of the current roof they are planning on removing.

How Long Will The Project Take?

After a roof inspection, your roofing contractor will have an estimated idea of how long your project will take to complete. While this can surely fluctuate, asking your roofing contractor this estimate will allow you to take note of how long they will be working on your property. This can help a homeowner better plan around when the contractor will be working, as well as how long they can expect them.

While roof repairs can feel overwhelming to a homeowner, they are an essential aspect of owning a home and delaying a repair can lead to costly future damages. A quality professional will be available to answer any questions you may have, as well as address any concerns. Contact a professional today.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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