
4 Important Reasons Websites Should Track Their Bounce Rate


The bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors who may only stay on your site for less than 10 seconds, meaning they might only view one page of it. Then, they return to the previous page. Otherwise, they try new search engine queries.

You don’t want visitors bouncing from your website too often. An unusually low bounce rate also raises concerns though. You have four important reasons to check your page bounce figures regularly.

1. To Evaluate Content Quality

It’s nice to know if the content you provide your visitors helps them. If they leave without scrolling the page, that’s a sign that you need to change your content strategy.

Unusually, low or high bounce rates also may mean you need to improve your navigation. More thoughtful organization of your page elements will influence your visitors to stay as well.

2. For Tracing Suspicious Activity

Sometimes, hackers may be on the loose, trying to install malicious code on your site. Otherwise, they’re attempting to take advantage of free services that renew with each browser refresh.

Tracking bounce rates will help you pinpoint the origin of suspicious user activity. This will place you one step closer to putting a stop to it too.

3. For Monitoring Traffic

Both paid and organic SEO involve the use of keywords people use to search for your site. Monitoring traffic via bounce rates can help you track your search campaigns.

Tracking the bbounce rates for specific pages can help you see what paid ads are working. In the process, you might find an opportunity to bid on less competitive keywords. When you do this, you pay less per advertising click.

Organic SEO involves finding ways to rank in search engines without having to pay for ads. Watching the way people come and go from your site will help alert you of the wisest, free use of keywords.

4. To Make Sure Your Site is Working

Sometimes, too low or too high of a bounce rate means you have broken links. Otherwise, your website may have stayed offline for too long.

Bounce rate monitoring helps you identify technical issues quickly. This will ensure your site has as little downtime as possible. Looking for additional advice and tips? You can always find what you need at

The Ideal Website Bounce Rate

The ideal bounce rate would be below 40%. It should not reach much higher or lower than those numbers. If technical errors or irrelevant content is not the issue, you may have other concerns to address if your numbers aren’t right.

For instance, poor accessibility could affect your bounce rate. You may not have put “alt” text on your images or used too bright or too dull of colors. Otherwise, your foreground may not contrast as much as it should with the background.

When this happens, sight-impaired people may not stay long. Others, who rely on audio to take in websites, may also not find your pages accessible enough to benefit them.

In the case of too-high traffic volume, excess paid linkage connecting to a page sometimes causes that. Ads can inflate your genuine popularity score, so it’s best to rely on organic search traffic when possible.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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