
6 Reasons Why People Prefer a Hands-On Marketing Approach


When it comes to successful marketing in 2024, brands have to get personal. Sharing and engaging with your audience is the number-one way to get seen online and make a lasting impression. All too often, companies think they can simply show up, post, and reap all the benefits of a social media presence without actually putting in the work. But what we see time and time again is that the most successful businesses are the most hands-on with their marketing strategies.

You can still work with a marketing company and be involved; in fact, agencies often love it when their clients want to be active participants in their strategies. Here are six reasons why taking a hands-on approach to marketing can delight customers and drive results.

1- It’s More Authentic

Modern customers crave authenticity from brands, and they’re more adept at telling when a brand is putting on airs. Performative social media content comes across as cheesy, insincere, and, even worse, attention-seeking. You don’t want to try and make people notice you; you want them to pay attention because they’re genuinely interested or entertained by your content.

2- It Builds Trust

With greater authenticity comes deeper trust from your audience, which ultimately drives conversions, brand loyalty, and a higher customer lifetime value (CLV). The best way to build trust with anyone on social media is by being directly involved. Why do you do what you do? Show your audience. What drives your business every day? Make content that highlights your core mission and value.

Want to boost your brand’s trust and authenticity? Check out for tips that’ll take your social game to the next level!

There is so much room for creativity online, but don’t get caught up in trends and generic content. Be real enough to let your audience see who you are and what you stand for. This will ultimately help them come to see you as a stand-out figure in your marketing strategy.

3- It Increases Engagement

When you’re more invested and involved with your social media strategy, people take notice. No, not right away, so don’t feel discouraged if you aren’t immediately flooded with likes and comments. Instead, take it slow, be consistent, and take note of how your engagement increases the more you engage with others.

A hands-on marketing approach involves leaving comments, sharing posts, and being an active member of a community online. It’s the exact opposite of the passive marketing approach where you post and simply wait for attention.

4- It Offers Deeper Insights

Data is wonderful (just ask any good marketer), but it has its limits. There is so much about the social media landscape that you can only learn by having the courage to traverse it yourself. That means wading into the trenches of hashtags, scouring the deepest corners of a niche to find emerging trends, and staying engrossed in conversations.

Hands-on marketing helps businesses and agencies get better results faster because they have the inside information from firsthand experience.

5- It Builds a Better Brand Image

When a marketing strategy is hands-on, it tends to be more evolutionary and organic. Instead of the generic Instagram post templates and static images, companies with an engaged marketing team are continuously delivering new, fresh content that excites, delights, and intrigues their audience.

In turn, this creates a stronger brand image that leads to more favorable views and greater audience engagement.

6- It Feels Real

Building off our first point, hands-on marketing is far less superficial than the status quo. It avoids the trend-centered marketing tactics everyone else is using and focuses on delivering real value and meaning in the present moment. With this approach, the content you post is part of a larger brand story, and it includes your audience as a main character along for the journey.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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