
What To Do If Genetic Diseases Run In Your Family?

Genetic Diseases

It is our genes that make us a unique individual with sole identity. Our genes not only define our physical characters but it is also responsible for things going inside the body. These factors are beyond anyone’s control.

Unfortunately, some gene changes run in families, and these changes are inherited from parents. With such genetic makeup, a person is vulnerable to certain types of disease, or a person is at increased risk to develop certain types of diseases as these are passed on generation after generation.

What Can You Do About It?

Genetic diseases affect the health and lifestyle of millions of people across the globe. Genetic makeup is beyond anyone’s control. However, a person can still manage a healthy life and reduce the risk factor as minimal as possible.

Steps To Follow

It might seem that there is less you can do about your genetic problem, but you still have some control over it. You can certainly have better control and hold over your health with good knowledge about family history, a healthy diet, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Here are some steps that you can follow to get more hold of your health, even if some genetic disorder runs in the family.

1. Understanding Your Risk

The first thing one should do is to learn about family history in terms of diseases and inheritance of diseases. It would help if you aimed to learn the occurrence of any disease in your family members and close relatives. Learning about the disease that possibly runs in the family is not the only thing one should look for.

In addition to it, you should also look for answers to several other questions. If there is an inherited disease or diseases, then you should also get to learn different aspects such as

  • Occurrence of disease in family members and other close relatives
  • Different types of diseases that were present among family members and close relatives
  • The age at which a specific inherited condition was diagnosed among members of your family
  • The cause of death of your family members and their age at death
  • The occurrence of a disease in more than two or three relatives and family members

2. Some Diseases Are Complex Than Genes

Many times, the inheritance is complex to understand as there are many influencing factors other than genes. It is not always a single gene change, but rather many other things get involved, and a pattern of the disease runs in families. Such pattern-oriented inherited diseases are

  • Alzheimer’s disease
    • Arthritis
    • Diabetes
    • Cardiovascular issues
    • Dementia
    • Thyroid disorder

For such diseases, in addition to genetic issues, the factors such as environment, diet, and lifestyle can all contribute to increasing the risk factor for each disease. A person can definitely reduce the risk to a highly reduced level with healthy choices in life.

3. Refrain From Alcohol

Make sure that you are avoiding unhealthy beverages such as alcohol. Alcohol can prove very injurious, especially if you have a family history of inherited disease. Excessive alcohol consumption also weakens the immune system and increases the risk of health issues.

Even the healthiest person can become vulnerable to many health issues simply with a regular drinking habit. Good quality treatment is the only way out of addiction. Besides, one can find a wide range of treatment options even in the busiest cities, e.g., New York City (NYC). There are several rehab centers in this huge city, and each rehabilitation center NYC offers the best treatment.

4. Manage Your Diet

Your diet really matters in defining your health and improving your quality of life. Even if a disease pattern runs in the family but with a healthy and controlled diet, you can certainly enjoy a healthy and balanced life. Just make sure that you’re eating everything right. Here are some tips that you can follow more specifically in terms of diet

5. Make Healthy Choices

Make sure that your body is relying on simple and nutritious food. Try to take more from healthy food groups such as vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and seeds. These healthy foods will abundantly supply your body with all the required nutrients.

6. Learn About Right Food Choices

Fruits are generally healthy, but you should take them with caution if there is a family history of diabetes. Likewise, you must take extra care about your salt intake if you have a family history of cardiovascular issues. Learning about family history allows you to define your specific food choices better.

7. Avoid Unhealthy Food

Make sure to avoid unhealthy foods and beverages as much as possible. An unhealthy eating pattern can surely increase your risk of developing diseases. When we talk about inherited diseases with unhealthy eating patterns, you might develop the condition earlier than expected.

8. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise keeps the body at its best. A person who has a family history of cardiovascular issues and diabetes can enjoy better health with a healthy exercise routine. Exercise helps you to keep in control of your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Exercise also plays a vital role in boosting your immune system. Make sure that you are involved in some exercise.

9. Consult With Your Doctor

Make sure to consult with the doctor to discuss your case. Your doctor will inquire about every essential detail to calculate your risk. Make sure that you provide all required information about your family history to the doctor.

Also, make sure to consult a doctor at times to see if everything is going in the right direction. Based on your specific case, the doctor might or might not prescribe you medication. Make sure that you strictly stick to the prescribed medications. Follow your physician’s instructions as it will give you a lot of benefit in keeping things under control.

Take Away

You might need to put more effort into staying fit and healthy, but you can still manage a healthy and balanced life with genetic history. Just make sure that you have the best holdover controllable factors such as diet and lifestyle.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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