
Why Mental Health Should Be A Priority, As Covid-19 Restrictions Are Lifted

Mental Health

Most places in the country are now lifting their set of restrictions. The end of these restrictions can be as difficult as it was for everybody when they were first introduced. Although society has reopened, you may not yet be ready to enjoy visiting the cinema or the pub, mingling with large groups, or traveling via public transport. The end of restrictions may seem like an additional stress, with the added concern that people will no longer need to be legally liable to self-isolate if they are diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection.

Just as it takes time for us to find ways to cope during a lockdown, it also takes time for us to come back and reconnect with life. If you take longer than you expected or other people seem more confident or friendly than you, do not be too hard on yourself. Moreover, you can buy medical insurance online to seek any help that you need.

Here is a short overview on the potential mental health issues one could face after covid restrictions are lifted, and how you can cope with them:

Fear and anxiety

Fear and anxiety are common emotional reactions to the end of COVID-19 limitations. From multiple lockdowns to gradual relaxation of the rules, you may not be prepared to expose yourself suddenly to the outside world.

It is important to make room for your feelings instead of allowing them to take you away. Only by gradually developing patience can we move forward from these fears.

How you can deal with these fears

  • Don’t try to control what can’t be

There are many things you can control that cause you fear and anxiety – but there are some things you cannot manage or plan for. Having an action plan can only help you manage things that bother you.

  • Pace yourself

You should accept that you must go at the speed that is right for you. Do not threaten or pressure others to do things you do not want to do. At the same time, avoid doing that to yourself. This especially applies to re-connecting safely with friends. Talk about your concerns with those closest to you, and follow your own pace while doing the same.

  • Increase tolerance

Try to engage yourself in work that challenges you regularly every day or every few days. Do not be disappointed in yourself if it does not go right. Keep trying to do better each day. Notice things you have achieved and enjoyed.

  • Make changes in your routine

Keep changing things in your schedule so you can see different people and face different situations. If your regular supermarket is crowded, do not panic and go to another one. If your usual jogging spot is very busy at your time of the day, try a different time or walk more during the rest of day. Do not set yourself on one thing for too long.

  • Talk to work

Many offices allow for a more comfortable work structure and schedule. If you find it difficult to go to work due to anxiety or fear, or have difficulty making specific shifts or activities, talk to your manager or a co-worker you trust. If you have a chronic mental health problem, you are entitled to reasonable adjustments. Even if you have not previously disclosed a mental health problem, you can benefit from doing so now if you feel safe. You can reach out for mental health support through your health insurance app.

  • Focus on the present

The best way to have a healthy mind is focus more on what is present in front of you. As the media constantly bombards you with the live discussions on lockdown rule changes and the related future strategies, try to avoid the noise and focus on your personal situations and surroundings, more so, the moment you are currently living in. Mindfulness meditation is a way to bring your mind back to the present moment.

  • Focus on what is certain

While many things are uncertain at the moment, some things are also to be expected. Try to observe and appreciate good things and use the opportunities to reset and relax.

  • Talk to people you trust

It is extremely crucial to express your thoughts through words. More importantly, you shouldn’t dismiss any concerns you may have and be extra hard on yourself. You can find likeminded people online, but also try to get an outside perspective.

If you feel a need to reach out and do not feel comfortable with people around you, you can make health insurance claims for mental health support. And if you don’t have health insurance protecting you in such times, know that it is high time that you should.

Download ICICI Lombard’s ILTakeCare App, your one stop solution for all your wellness and insurance needs, from Playstore & Appstore today.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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