Home Improvement

Getting Rid Of Mold


Living in an area where humidity is extremely disturbing and keeps your environment moist all the time which welcomes mold. Not only is humidity the reason, but anything that has made your surroundings retain enough of the water molecules for long results in the growth of mold there for instance, washrooms. Mold is often found in areas that have been flooded or where there is some leakage of water. You might have seen it growing on the walls also, it is because your pipes carrying the water in the building are having leakage issues. You can learn about the interior designing methods, on this website: http://www.casaindecor.com

In this article we will see how the mold grows, affects health and then we will see what steps can we take to get rid of it.

It does not matter if it is a commercial area or a home, all it takes to prepare a comfortable environment for the fungus to grow is moisture and some warmth. A single spore in buildings with such an environment can grow because it gets the nutrients that encourage its growth which include cellulose (from woody material, paper), dust, fabric etc. You should test property for mold whenever you are in doubt of it due to the above mentioned conditions.

How does mold affect your health?

Effects of mold on human health are being researched on, till date. Molds cause health problems as they produce irritating allergic substances. If you are a sensitive individual, and you touch the mold or somehow inhale it, you will get allergic reactions. People who are not allergic to mold can also have these reactions as it is very common.

It is not necessary that you get these reactions as soon as you get in contact with mold, the reaction may start at the same instant or it may take some time to come out. These allergic reactions are diverse and can affect the eyes causing redness of eyes, irritate the skin causing skin rashes, affect your lungs, throat and nose causing coughing, wheezing and sneezing.

For people with any respiratory disorder or some underlying lung disease, molds can have intense reactions such as shortness of breath and fever.

If someone has asthma, contact with mold can cause him/her asthma attacks. Studies have shown that in some children (particularly the ones who may be genetically susceptible to asthma) exposure to mold in childhood can result in the development of asthma in a later stage.

The struggle for a mold-free environment

If you want to improve your place you should get mold remediation i.e., getting the contaminated material and the mold removed. First you should know whether you have got mold at your place or not. Molds can usually be seen or smelled, so it is not difficult to detect large molds. But for the small sized molds there is a testing procedure adopted by professionals who use some special equipment for detection. Mold testing involves taking air and surface samples to detect mold and confirm its presence in buildings.

The best way to get rid of the mold is to get professional help. Let the experts do their job as they ensure the conditions that help in making a permanent barrier against the mold. The mold then never comes back. But some methods that you can adopt to get it out of your building are as follows:

Get control over the moisture

Try to deal with the water leakages and the humidity in your environment by getting proper piping work done and using humidity controllers or air conditioners if weather is creating such humidity issues. You need to keep your place dry.

Separate out the contaminated area

Secondly, isolate the affected area explicitly. It will help you not carry the mold from one place to another.

Pack and remove the contaminated material

Put the contaminated items in plastic bags. You should not think of getting the mold affected objects disinfected. The only way is to get them replaced or removed from the building straightaway.

Clean the affected area

Pack yourself up with proper safety materials so that you may not get any direct contact with the mold. Properly scrub the area with brush and soapy water or detergent or bleach solution (anything suitable for the affected surface) so that you may not have any dead mold even. You should also not have any dust or dirt in the area as it also helps mold to grow. And make sure that your cleaning does not leave any moisture behind.

But it is always recommended that you may get professional help to deal with massive mold that is difficult for you to manage.

Learn more about different reasons behind the dirty walls and floors, on this website: www.groliehome.com

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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