
Instagram Content Strategy to Draw Customers to Your Brand

instagram content

If you are a business brand, it is obvious that you would like to create conversion focused social media content on Instagram. However, most business brands fail in this endeavor as they are not sure what content works and what does not when it comes to engaging the targeted customer. Experts in Instagram marketing for business brands recommend you create a content strategy for Instagram to reach out better to the targeted audience and boost sales conversions. This post takes a look at this content strategy for Instagram and how you can, as a business brand, use it for your company as well.

Salient factors of a successful content strategy for Instagram

When it comes to a content strategy for Instagram, you need to do it right. This will attract customers and their urge to buy from you. In case you post bad content, you are doing a disservice to your business. This is where the three-fold path steps in to help. You need to focus on three key elements of your Instagram marketing content strategy, and they are-

  1. Your Instagram captions
  2. Your imagery and
  3. Your frequency

When you do it properly, the Instagram caption displays your expertise and authority. It establishes the awareness, like, and business trust factor. The imagery prompts individuals to stop scrolling and focus their attention on your offering. The frequency refers to the schedule that your targeted audience can effectively count on, along with the algorithm that Instagram loves.

Follow this three-fold path

The Instagram Caption

When it comes to creating your Instagram Caption, you should first be aware of what you are promoting. You might need a caption for a personal blog or a product. A good Instagram caption will make readers connected to you. It will give them a reason to follow you and invest in the offering you have for them.

There are two types of Instagram Captions you can use for your posts. They can be either conversation-focused, or conversion focused captions.

The conversion focused Instagram Caption generally focuses on offering value via education which helps viewers and other potential customers decide whether they want to buy from you or not or take the next step when it comes to connecting with you for any offer you provide.

The conversation-focused Instagram Caption focuses on the art of storytelling with the goal to invoke an emotional response from the viewer. This caption leads them to reply to the post, share the post with their audience or relate to the point you have in mind. With them, you can also get free likes for IG.

There is no hard and fast rule as to which type of caption to use more. Create the ones you are more comfortable with and ensure they relate to the post you have created. Make sure you start with a strong headline and ensure you close the caption with a strong CTA or call-to-action.

Choosing the imagery for Instagram

Here again, there is no rule that the photograph or the picture you choose should directly express what you write in the caption. Experts on Instagram suggest you can write your caption first and later find a photograph related to it in the best way. They state that when it comes to the performance of images, photographs of the business owner, the customer of the business, staff, or employees perform the best for every business brand.

For Instagram imagery, you can choose a video, stock photo images, graphics, and other pictures that you have in your present resources. Make sure that the quality of the image you choose is clear and crisp. It should not be blurred in any way as this will not invoke the right response in the targeted audience, and they will assume you are unprofessional in your presentation. This will do your business more harm than good as they might not come back to your Instagram page in the future. The key here is to attract more Instagram followers so that they re-share your posts with their network.

If you find that automatic cropping does not work for you, use custom cropping so that your eyeliner or face is above the centreline of the image. Choose the right imagery as per your niche to create the desired response.

Instagram frequency

The algorithm of Instagram favours new content. However, you should note how it works. Every time you post something new on Instagram, its algorithm thinks your old content has no relevance anymore. For example, if you post something at 8 am and post something else after 12 hours, the lifespan of the older post is now reduced to 12 hours because the newer post takes precedence over the older post.

Specialists in Instagram marketing state you should at least place 48 hours between your posts. With them, you get a much better chance of generating better engagement and positive impressions over that specific time. Instead of posting daily, you should create quality posts at least three to four times a week.

Another factor for you to note when posting Instagram content is to check the best times suitable for your targeted audience. You should choose the best days for posting in the week too. For example, you could post content on Monday mornings when you find most of your targeted audience is online. Again, if your targeted customer is a mother with young children, she might be busy taking her kids to swimming classes on the weekend, so in this case, weekdays are the best time for you to post content for her and other mothers with young children that you target.

Therefore, when it comes to the content strategy for Instagram to boost optimal engagement, keep the above three factors in mind. They are ideal for every business niche and help you to boost conversions better. Moreover, your customers will be drawn to your brand, and the engagement levels will surge too!

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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