
Top 6 social work jobs to seek in 2021

social work jobs

Social work is a practical and dynamic field that encompasses various professions to serve people by uplifting their quality of life and injecting positivity. This career entails counseling, therapy, and educating on individual, societal, psychological, and political aspects of life. Social workers play a crucial role in society as a bridge between the authorities and ordinary people. They deal with many challenges; including, individual conflict, problematic relationships, regressive community, and defective rules that deteriorate the society. Moreover, they have focused objectives, providing social justice, rights, and needs to everyone. Social workers must be compassionate yet headstrong as they make critical decisions in complex situations. Therefore, they need to have an in-depth knowledge of an individual’s capacity, psychological complications, social norms, justice, policies, rights, and political consequences while handling a case.

There is a burgeoning demand for social work in the education sector. More countries are becoming conscious of their necessity, advantages, and influence. Consequently, more students wish to enhance other people’s lives and consider studying Social Work in detail to become an asset.

Firstly, you need an interest in activism and opt for a volunteering session to get an idea about the work, challenges, and procedure it entails. Secondly, you should acquire a degree in this field from a reputed university to become a qualified Social Worker. Several universities worldwide are offering a Masters of social work online program, benefiting in two ways, i.e., to the society and students. Social work is an incredible profession; you heal countless wounds, help them overcome their challenges, and maintain a lucrative career for yourself at the same time. It is one of the most worthwhile and widely popular profession due to its increasing demand, with 713,200 jobs and an annual salary of $50,470. Moreover, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) prophecies that their overall employment will grow 13 percent from 2019 to 2029.

We have compiled a list of the top six Social Work jobs to seek in 2021.


A Family Therapist plays a crucial role, as they support troubled families in critical times like divorce, death, domestic abuse. They also help them to cope and recover through these tough times. They deliver care in various settings such as clinics, healthcare centers, and other medical institutes. Therapists create a safe space for the patients to gain their confidence; so that they spill out their bottled-up emotions, conflicts, and problems before them. These therapists work dedicatedly to protect your family’s confidentiality, listen to your issues attentively and empathetically. Moreover, they put messed up thoughts into a perspective so you can be at peace.


Direct Service Social Workers deal with various aspects of social issues, such as cultural, environmental, health, social, political, and psychological. They assist people in groups, particularly families and communities, to anchor their confidence by proffering an understanding of their issues and disciplining their life. They develop communities so they can live a wholesome life and become a valuable member of their group. Furthermore, they work through agencies, providing direct service as program coordinators or agency directors, and earn between $37,000 and $68,300 a year.


Public health social workers have an exceptional scope with promising job opportunities and substantial gains. These professionals not only serve the patients but also advocate for their rights. They work in various settings; including, hospitals, emergency rooms, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, home care agencies, and many more. They take critical decisions, perform data analysis, and act as a liaison; between the client and caregivers, or families and medical personnel. Considering the current pandemic, public health has become even more critical for the world. Similarly, this profession is in great demand and has the highest employment rate among all other Social Work jobs. These professionals have an annual salary between the range of $48,680 and $56,960.


Palliative social workers take care of those patients inflicted with an extreme, unbearable medical condition. These patients can be either suffering from a particularly deadly disease or an unfortunate accident that led to their pain. This is a field with worldwide scope as Palliative Care Social Workers obtain between $39,000 and $56,000 annually.


This type of Social Work is a tough and challenging one as it deals with substance and physical abusers. Social workers provide support and rehabilitation to those addicted to some substance and fail to control it. They work in different settings like rehabilitation centers, foster care, healthcare centers, and prisons. Substance Abuse Social Workers provide victims with therapy and counseling to resolve their crisis, addictive behavior and attain recovery. The annual salary of these professionals ranges between $36,330 and $49,160.


With the increasing cases of child abuse, the demand for child welfare social workers has increased drastically. These professionals work hard to create a safe and healthy environment for children. Moreover, they take care of the child’s emotional, physical, mental, and psychological development. Child welfare workers perform in different childcare facilities to provide the best of the facilities and support them to make their lives better. Furthermore, Child Welfare Social Workers counsel the parents about their child’s progress, weaknesses, or strengths and sometimes participate in the adoption process. They earn between $45,950 and $47,000 every year.


In a nutshell, if you possess a degree in Social work and an inclination to serve humanity, these are the top six jobs you may lead to a thriving career in the year 2021.

No life is better than the one served for humanity.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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