
4 Major Reasons Why People Choose Cremation Over Burial

Cremation Over Burial

No one enjoys thinking about death or the necessity of dealing with the remains of a loved one, but it is an eventuality we will all face. Throughout history, various burial practices have come and gone, with burial being the most popular. Cremation, however, has its place in both history and modern funerary practices. Furthermore, cremation is gaining popularity for a variety of reasons, most of which are practical. While some religious traditions dissuade followers from cremation, preferring to preserve the integrity of the body, many find that cremation is the better choice for them personally. Here are a few of the many reasons why people choose cremation over traditional burial services.

1. Lower Cost

In most cases, cremation is less expensive compared to a traditional burial. Aside from the cost of the ceremony, there is usually no extra cost for a coffin or body transport, and the cost of an urn is far less than that of a coffin. If the deceased had no funerary plans in place and died unexpectedly, particularly far away from home, cremation is the cheaper option, especially if transport of the remains is a factor.

2. Environmental Concerns

Modern funerary practices are not beneficial for the environment. Cemeteries use up vast tracts of land and contaminate the ground with embalming chemicals and caskets that break down over time. While green funerals are also rising in popularity as the most environmentally friendly option, even if cremated remains are buried, they have less of an impact than a traditional burial.

3. Availability and Mobility

Moving far away from a deceased loved one’s burial site can be upsetting for surviving loved ones who frequently move around. Cremated remains kept in urns or appropriate storage can travel with you, meaning that your loved one will always be where you are. Some families set up memorial spaces in their homes or gardens with the urns of departed families as part of their cultural practices, and cremated remains allow for this, whereas traditional burials do not.

4. Flexibility

Cremation offers a wider variety of funerary options than traditional burials. You can store cremated remains in memorial jewelry or a variety of urns, spread them over a favorite location (make sure your choice location allows ashes to be spread or released), or even turn them into diamonds. The process itself is more efficient than embalming and burial, and the survivors require less paperwork and planning. Cremation also allows for a wider availability of memorial service options. If the family wants to hold a memorial service on the beach, it is far easier to do this and get permission from authorities with cremated remains than with a casket. It’s important to keep in mind that many people, particularly children, find casket funerals and body viewings upsetting. Cremation does not involve this.

If you have questions about this affordable, compassionate, and dignified process of laying your loved one to rest, contact a cremation service provider today to learn more about your cremation choices and options.

Heather Breese
Heather Breese is a qualified writer who fell in love with creativity and became a specialist creator and writer, focused on readers and market need.

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